Learn More About Yoga Meditation In Cleveland OH. Sadguru Kedarji Shaktipat Guru, Kundalini Awakening and Kedarji’s 4 Pillars of Total Well-Being – For Well-Being In Cleveland OH & Vibrant Health In Cleveland OH.
On This Page:
- Learn Yoga Meditation In Cleveland OH With Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga.
- Who Is Sadguru Kedarji and What Is This Spiritual Path In Cleveland OH?
- Who Can Benefit From Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga?
- The Experience of Our Offering of Well-Being In Cleveland OH & Vibrant Health In Cleveland OH.
End Your Seeking – What Does Our Siddha Science Encompass?
- The means to conquer fear with Love in the profound embrace of the true Heart.
- Ecstasy that surpasses limiting desire and craving to deliver indescribable Joy.
- A state of true worship of God within and without and well-being in all the areas of life, experienced from the loving caress of Self-knowledge.
- For Yoga Meditation In Cleveland, OH
- For Well-Being In Cleveland, OH
- A Spiritual Path In Cleveland OH
- For Vibrant Health In Cleveland, OH
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Sadguru Kedarji – Introduction To
The 4 Pillars of Total Well-Being
Sadguru Kedarji – Pillar 1. The Spiritual Power
Sadguru Kedarji – Pillar 2. Improved Mental State
Sadguru Kedarji – Pillar 3. Emotional Resilience
Sadguru Kedarji – Pillar 4. Vibrant Health
Who Can Benefit From Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga – Well-Being In Cleveland OH?
Human beings model after others. We learn best by example, no matter what the endeavor. In the same way, the spiritual journey home requires very strong spiritual leadership by example, coupled with the power of Grace. In particular, you will find that spiritual leadership here in Sadguru Kedarji. Additionally, our Shaktipat meditation retreats are filled with the power of Grace!
People who find great benefit from our offering are:
- People from all walks of life, in all fields of endeavor.
- Yogis and spiritual seekers of the Truth looking to heighten their experience of Divine Consciousness.
- People who just want lasting inner peace and the experience of happiness for no good reason.
- Those looking for answers in spiritual life and holistic well-being, who may or may not yet be seeking a spiritual leader.
- People who are seeking holistic well-being. People who recognize that the foundation for that resides in harnessing the spiritual power for an improved mental state, emotional resilience and vibrant health.
Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri
We honor Shri Avadhoota Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri, the Master of our lineage in these modern times. Specifically, we do so because He is without taint, completely pure. His Love Is So Beautiful That Nothing Else Matters. With this in mind, Nityananda means the Eternal Bliss of the Absolute. You can attain this Eternal Bliss. Our Siddha Science is named after Shri Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri.
Spiritual Leadership
Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga is based on the spiritual leadership, instruction and tutelage of Shaktipat Guru Sadguru Kedarji. Here, you can engage in a spiritual path in Cleveland OH. Namely, to experience the kundalini awakening of Shaktipat, permanent spiritual transformation and well-being. Also, for vibrant health and well-being in Cleveland OH. We are also an international Shaktipat Meditation Retreat Center and Holistic Well-Being School. Shaktipat Initiation and the Shaktipat Kriya Process that leads to total well-being is the focus. Programs for Meditation In Cleveland OH are coming soon.
Who Is Sadguru Kedarji?
Sadguru Kedarji is a Shaktipat Sadguru in a long lineage of such Masters. In addition, he is also the spiritual leader of Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga. Sadguru Kedarji leads our Shaktipat Blessing Retreats and Holistic Well-Being curriculum. Additionally, he is also the author of the Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga curriculum. In particular, here you can learn Sadguru Kedarji’s unique approach to Shaktipat Meditation and the Siddha Science that delivers well-being. Most importantly, Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga is established for you to attain a state of indescribable Joy and well-being beyond your expectations! It is the Yoga of Guru’s Grace.
Why Visit Our Retreat Center?
Youngstown, Ohio!? Well, it’s nicer here than you might think just from a name. Truly, people come here to experience meditation retreats in a serene retreat environment for the transmission of Grace known as kundalini awakening or Shaktipat. In particular, Sadguru Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing is offered at our retreat center. Additionally, people find that our international Shaktipat Meditation Retreat Center is a perfect setting to receive Shaktipat Initiation.
Weekend Shaktipat Blessing Retreats
Moreover, in our Shaktipat Meditation Retreats you will also experience true Meditation and vibrant holistic well-being methods. Our retreat center is located in Youngstown, Ohio right across from the beautiful, triple-rated Millcreek Park and nature preserve, another reason to travel here. You can also attend additional events in Cleveland, Ohio and Pittsburgh, PA.
The Next Step
Meet Sadguru Kedarji! In particular, view the short videos on this page. Then, check out the pages from the links posted above. Also, you can spend a little time viewing some of our other pages and videos. With this in mind, why not attend one of our programs, courses, webinars or weekend Shaktipat Blessing Retreats? In the meantime, visit our online store.