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Meditation, Chanting,
Love, Bliss, Peace,
And Life-Changing Skills

There is a Consciousness within each of us waiting to be fully realized and embraced. This Consciousness is a Love so pure that it is without distinctions. Embracing it allows us to Love ourselves and others so fully, and without conditionality, regardless of the varying levels of interaction we engage in that are dictated by the roles we play. This Consciousness is everything about us that is sacred and whole. It is a spiritual awareness imbued with Joy, Peace and Total Freedom. That is who we really are. We just have to stop hiding this fact from ourselves.

“The present moment is the place of peace, content, joy and Love without distinctions. This Love is the highest goal of human life. Spiritual life cannot be sustained without this Love. It cannot be sustained without the experience of the Abode of the Heart, that purest place within us that reflects Light, Love, Compassion and Forgiveness everywhere. Going to this sacred place within is how we remember the Self. This is how we realize that Love, Peace and Joy are who we really are. This is the only way to permanent spiritual transformation.”

~ Sadguru Kedarji

View an introductory video offered by our founder and learn more about Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga!



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    Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga is a time-honored spiritual science for experiencing a new dimension in permanent spiritual transformation and total well-being that is experienced by coming to know and love our true nature. It is based on the instruction and practices of a lineage of spiritually perfected or Self-realized Love beings. Our events are offered in an environment that is free of distractions!

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