How to Attain a Constant State of Grace In This Kali Yuga Age
It is during the time of greatest confrontation on the mundane level that we can make great strides spiritually, morally and ethically. During such times when madness appears to prevail on many levels, the tests of our mundane existence can be a great catalyst to attaining That state of content, constant peace and uninterrupted, indescribable Joy.
For us to see the hand of God at work in all out circumstances, we need Grace, and we need to come to live in a state of Grace. Without Grace, the import of what appears to be taking place cannot be properly understood and embraced from the upper story of our God-nature, the Supreme Self.
In this 3-month long course, we will be taught and we will experience the methods, wisdom and instruction necessary to come to live in a permanent state of Grace, regardless of the churning of the mundane world around us.
We will examine the wisdom of the Siddhas of our lineage and the practical application of the wisdom, framed in Sadguru Kedarji’s 4 Pillars of Total Well-Being, and the vision of our lineage for a new world order filled with Grace and Love.
Course Specifics
One live course per month, led by Sadguru Kedarji, followed by one live Q&A/support session each month on Zoom. That’s twice each month over the course of three months.
Wednesday, April 28th@Nileshwar Hall and webcast live for those who live out of town. 7-9pm.
Wednesday, May 5th on Zoom. 7-9pm.
Wednesday, May 19th@Nileshwar and webcast live for those who live out of town. 7-9pm.
Wednesday, May 26th on Zoom 7-9pm.
Wednesday, June 23rd@Nileshwar and webcast live for those who live out of town. 7-9pm.
Wednesday, June 30th on Zoom 7-9pm.
Nileshwar Shaktipat Meditation, Wellness & Spiritual Retreat Center, 841 Boardman-Canfield Rd, Suite 302, Boardman, Ohio 44512. Webcast live for those who live outside of the region. The second course segment of each month will take place on Zoom for everyone enrolled.
Enrollment Cost