Shaktipat Guru – Siddha Science
Shaktipat Meditation Master
“Love is all there is. Grace is God’s Love. The awakening into Pure Perceiving Awareness, Infinite Awareness of the Highest that we refer to as Shaktipat is Love. The journey to recognition of our true nature is Love. Ours is an approach where we lead with Love. In the end, it all comes back to Love.” ~ Kedarji
Wisdom and Joy!
If you had leadership that can deliver you to being happy for no good reason, becoming immersed in a state of Joy and inner Peace – leadership that results in your experience of everlasting Joy in every area of your life, why not embrace it?
Bhakta School Founder
Kedarji is the Founder of The Bhakta School of Transformation. The Bhakta School is an Ohio-based not-for-profit public charity devoted to lasting Inner Peace and permanent spiritual transformation. The curriculum offering here is based on Kedaji’s 4 Pillars of Joy In Daily Living.
He had an early career in the Performing Arts as an actor and singer in Broadway musicals, plays, movies and television. He went on to study violin and conducting at the Juilliard School of Music. Then he graduated with degrees in performance and composition from the Manhattan School of Music. Later, he studied Eastern and Oriental Medicine. He graduated with degrees in both from the Kushi Institute, and had a practice in New York City for many years.
Leading With Love
Kedarji helps people embrace the Grace in life’s joys and challenges in a way that causes lasting happiness and peace. In a world seemingly mad with greed and corruption, Kedarji has a long track record of helping people affirm and expand the best parts of their lives.
He is a Siddha in the lineage of the great sage and saint, Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri. He imparts the same instruction and leadership he was taught. These are the same methods used by a line of spiritually proven and powerful masters who have uplifted people’s lives for thousands of years.
A Siddha is one who has made the commitment to live as an ascetic. Such a being renounces the pursuit of worldly pleasures and fantasies to serve the greater good and to work to uplift humanity. In this regard, Kedarji is known as a true spiritual leader. He is also known as a Shaktipat Guru (see below) who leads by example in becoming both wise and well with a powerful, heart-centered approach.
Practical Leadership In A Shaktipat Guru
Kedarji has a reputation for leading without insisting that people follow. This allows students and seekers to come to our approach in their own way. Kedarji is in a lineage of Sadgurus on whose shoulders he stands and takes refuge in. This is the great Shiva lineage that Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri also made, of which Kedarji is a part.
Wise, Happy and Well
Many of Kedarji’s students say that, through his leadership, he has transformed their lives in profound ways. And in ways they have not experienced in other modalities or on other paths.
His students blossom and uncover hidden strengths through a well-integrated and time-tested approach. Through his leadership, it’s possible for anyone and everyone to experience life’s magic. And this is experienced in a way that they come to know their true nature and attain a state of lasting happiness, peace and joy.
His 4 Pillars of Joy In Daily Living are the Spiritual Power, Improved Mental State, Emotional Resilience and Vibrant Health. These form the foundation that he combines the power of Grace of his spiritual lineage. This is the time-honored Siddha Science of the Yoga of the Siddhas. This powerful combination includes his skill as a Shaktipat Meditation master and his many years of practice as a practitioner of Eastern and Oriental medicine.
Authentic Shaktipat Guru – Shaktipat Meditation Master
Kedarji is a Shaktipat Guru. He has been vested with the power and authority to fully awaken and nurture the dormant spiritual awareness known as Kundalini. Specifically, this awakening occurs by way of the transmission of the Grace-bestowing power inherent in the Blessing of Shaktipat. In particular, you will find that Kedarji is a recognized and very skilled spiritual leader and Shaktipat Meditation Master. Additionally, he has the ability to lead you on the journey to the realization of your true nature. Indeed, this is a journey in which you retrace your steps back to God.
Kedarji is the author of several books and courses, including:
- Vibration of Divine Consciousness. A Spiritual Autobiography.
- The Verses On Witness Consciousness.
- The Abode of Grace – Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri.
- Contemplations On the Amritanubhava of Shri Jnaneshwar Maharaj.
- How To Be Fearless, Happy and Resilient In The Age of Noise and Distractions. (a video home-study course and weekend retreat).
- The Sutras On The 5-Fold Act of Divine Consciousness.
- Live Strong and Be Happy. Learn The Daily Rituals of The Most Spiritually-Powerful, Happiest and Healthiest People On The Planet.
- Dharma and the Preservation of Liberty. The Globalist Threat to Our Freedom And What to Do About It.
- The Courage To Love
Spiritual Journey
Kedarji began his quest to understand and fully imbibe Yoga Science at an early age. Feeling incomplete, he began an intense spiritual journey that took him to India and Asia. Soon after, he experienced an initiation, an awakening into the power of true Meditation, Chanting and Contemplation. This formed the foundation for putting all the pieces together.
Due to this event and ongoing application of the methods taught connected to it, Kedarji was able to fully apply the science behind well-being that is based on the Spiritual Power. He calls it the energy substratum of everything. His direct, unfolding experience of this power is the basis for the integration of his 4 Pillars of Joy In Daily Living. This is an approach that combines Siddha Science and the science of a holistic lifestyle of health and well-being with the transmission of Grace that he extends as a God-realized, Shaktipat Guru.
Come Join Us
You can find out who Kedarji is by spending some time in the company of this Shaktipat Guru. Moreover, this is also the best way for you to experience how the power of Grace and Siddha Science skills mastery that he transmits can impact your life for the better.
Come join us to be with Kedarji and our spiritual & well-being community. Doing so, you will experience the profound leadership that awaits you here. You will find Kedarji to be an outgoing, warm and accessible leader with a great sense of humor. Equally welcoming and skilled is our staff of teachers. We hope to welcome you soon to our programs.
Board of Directors
The Bhakta School of Transformation
Independent Organization
The Bhakta School of Transformation, the not-for-profit public charity that produces and manages the Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga curriculum, is an independent organization. Although we form collaborations and strategic partnerships with other people and organizations, we are not a subsidiary of or direct affiliate of any other organization.
Shaktipat Meditation Master